8 Strategies to Get More Personal Injury Referrals

As a personal injury lawyer, it always pays to get more referrals for new clients. But how can you get them more consistently?

You certainly can’t force your clients to recommend you to people they know, but there are some strategies to maximize your chances of getting mentioned in the future.

The Value of Referrals

Let’s start by going over some of the benefits of getting more referrals:

  • More clients. The obvious value here is getting more clients. When someone recommends your services to someone they know, that person will be much more likely to hire you as their lawyer. Obviously, you don’t want there to be more personal injury cases (and more people hurt), but when the inevitable arises, you’ll want to be top of mind for people. If you’re consistent with the strategies we’re about to list, you should be able to create a steady stream of new clients to keep your practice thriving.
  • Warm introductions. Despite the prevalence of online reviews, recommendations from friends and family members remain the most credible form of marketing and advertising. A person who hears about you from a close friend is going to inherently trust you and respect you more than a person who finds you via search engine or online advertising. You’ll be able to start each new client relationship on the right foot, making it easier to communicate, manage cases, and get great results.
  • Reputation and branding. Getting lots of recommendations and referrals is also good for your branding and reputation long-term. If someone speaks highly of you and your practice to others, it’s going to make an impression – even if the listeners aren’t currently in need of a lawyer. Over time, as more people sing your praises, you’ll earn a better reputation and your practice will find it easier to grow.

How to Get More Personal Injury Referrals

So what steps can you take to get more personal injury client referrals?

  1. Get the best deal. This one should be obvious, and you’re probably already working towards this goal. It’s important to fight for your client and try to get them to the best possible financial position. That means winning the biggest potential settlement as quickly as possible. Depending on the situation, that could mean collecting more evidence, putting together a stronger argument, or using firm negotiating tactics to try and get more. If you can win a major settlement on your client’s behalf, they’re going to feel great about hiring you.
  2. Be kind. The money is important. But in many ways, it’s not nearly as important as the way you treat your clients. You may have won them a $2.6 million settlement, but if you frequently ignored them, talked over them, or dismissed their feelings, they still might not want to recommend you to others. The basic advice here is to be kind; when your client is talking, patiently listen. Practice sympathy and compassion. Do what you can to help your client feel heard, respected, and cared for.
  3. Be transparent. Next, remain as transparent as possible. People will be more likely to trust you if you’re open and honest with your thought process and the steps you’re taking for their case. If a client asks you a question, try to answer directly and honestly, rather than obfuscating your intentions or methodologies. If you don’t know the answer to something, simply say you don’t know. If you do this consistently, your clients will hold enormous trust in you – and they’ll want their friends and family members to work with you as well.
  4. Recommend lawsuit funding. Many lawyers are reluctant to offer pre-settlement funding (aka lawsuit funding) to their clients because of high interest rates and other twists that lower the total value of the deal. However, with the right partner, lawsuit funding can be quite favorable to both you and your clients. Look for lawsuit funding that charges a fixed fee, rather than interest, so your clients will know exactly how much they’re going to owe – with no fear of compound interest. Additionally, if no settlement is won, your client probably won’t owe anything, making the loan virtually risk free.
  5. Provide more than just legal advice. As a lawyer, your main job is to provide legal advice to a client. But consider providing emotional support and camaraderie as well; it can make a big difference to someone going through a painful and stressful situation. You don’t have to be a best friend or a therapist, but you should consider tending to some of your client’s emotional needs.
  6. Mention the importance of referrals. Don’t be afraid to mention the importance of referrals in your business. Tell your clients that referrals and recommendations will help your practice grow – and encourage them to spread the word about your business. Just don’t pressure your clients to give referrals if they don’t want to.
  7. Follow up. Follow up with your clients after the case has concluded. It’s a great way to keep your practice top of mind – and a good chance to find out how they’re doing. Consider following up periodically, especially with the help of an automated email campaign, for the same reasons.
  8. Get feedback and improve. Finally, try to get feedback from your past clients, even if they’re not giving you referrals. They may praise your approach and compliment you on certain habits or practices. They may also criticize your approach and offer a vision for what could be better. In every review, you should be able to find something that you can improve or change. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments on the path to improvement. Your practice should be getting better all the time.

Contact Capital Now Funding to Learn More

Are you interested in giving your clients a financial boost before their settlement arrives? One of the best things you can do is help them get a settlement advance. For more information on Capital Now Funding, and to find out how we can help, contact us today!