12 Ways to Make Your Life Easier After a Workers Comp Accident

Being injured on the job in a workers comp accident can range from temporarily painful to life-altering. If you survived the incident, you’ll have something to be grateful for – but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.

Oftentimes, after a workplace injury, you’ll be forced to deal with a physical disability, physical pain, mental anguish, and the logistics of pursuing legal action – all at the same time.

Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help make your life easier after the accident.

Immediately After the Accident

In the immediate aftermath of the accident, there are some important steps to follow, such as:

1. Get to safety. The most important step to take is to get to safety and try to help others get to safety as well, if others are involved. This is critical to prevent any further damage or injuries. Depending on your condition, you may be in a position to identify the source of danger and eliminate it – such as recommending that a piece of equipment be turned off until it can be inspected and repaired.

2. Talk to your supervisor. Next, have a conversation with your supervisor about the incident. Depending on the structure of your organization, this may be a formal requirement – and it may be necessary if you want to seek legal action.

3. File a report. It’s a good idea to file an official report. Again, this may be required by your organization. Fill in as many details as you can remember and be as thorough and accurate as possible. Before signing the report, thoroughly review it to make sure it includes all the information you want it to include; this will serve as an official record of events.

4. Get medical treatment. This should go without saying, but make sure you seek medical treatment immediately after your injury, even if you think you can get by without it. Your medical records could serve as important evidence in your case, and your expenses will likely be compensated, so you don’t have to worry about the financial burden.

5. Gather evidence. It may be in your best interest to gather as much evidence as possible about the incident, in addition to the filing of your report. Take photos and videos if you can, collect statements from witnesses who may have been nearby, and so on. This could be helpful in building a case against the person responsible, or the organization itself.

6. Talk to a lawyer (and keep it quiet). Shortly after the accident, you should take the time to talk to a lawyer about your injuries – but don’t tell your supervisor or anyone else in your work environment about this. Your lawyer will help you assess the situation and provide you with a recommendation of what to do next, which could include preparing a lawsuit against your employer or filing for workers’ compensation.

Days and Weeks After the Accident

In the days and weeks after the accident, you’ll be focused on physical recovery, mental and emotional care, and financial strain:

7. Follow your doctor’s advice. No matter what, you should strive to follow your doctor’s advice as closely as possible. Not only will this maximize your chances of a full and speedy recovery, it may also be important to demonstrate in a court of law. If you neglect your doctor’s advice and your injuries get worse, it could end up working against you.

8. Focus on the present. Managing a debilitating personal injury while being out of work and dealing with a stressful lawsuit can be a lot to handle. It’s natural to worry about what the future has in store for you. However, worrying too much about the future is only going to make matters worse. Try to focus on the present moment as much as possible, solving your most immediate problems and making yourself comfortable.

9. Come to terms with your disability. If you’ve been disabled in the workplace accident, it’s important to take the time to come to terms with your disability. You may not currently know whether this disability is short-term or long-term, but either way, it’s going to significantly affect your day-to-day life. Try to accept your current limitations and follow your doctor’s recommendations for how to manage pain and facilitate recovery. Consider joining a support group or online forums to find others who can help you come to terms with this injury.

10. Consider a settlement advance. The financial stress of waiting for a settlement can be tough, even if your chances of winning the case are very good. One way to relieve this stress is to get a settlement advance against your workers compensation lawsuit settlement, which can provide you with immediate capital for your ongoing expenses. If you don’t win a settlement, you won’t have to pay anything back, and with the right provider, you won’t owe any interest – just a fixed fee that you’ll know from the start of the arrangement.

11. Practice stress management. You’re going to have many sources of stress in your life, including the residual pain from your injuries and the uncertainty of your legal situation. Accordingly, it’s important to practice stress management. Simple tactics, like physically exercising, journaling, and meditating can all reduce the effects of stress in your life. Experiment to find the right approach for you.

12. Consider therapy. For some people, basic stress management isn’t enough to cope with the mental and emotional strain of the situation. If you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed, or if you just need a bit of extra help, consider going to therapy. Your therapist will be able to guide you to a better mental place.

Apply Now for a Workers Compensation Loan

One of the best ways to reduce stress, relieve your financial burden, and make progress in your case simultaneously is to pursue a settlement advance. The process of getting a settlement advance is pretty straightforward – but there are some important steps you’ll need to take first. Contact us today to learn more or Apply Now to get the process started!