What Can a Lawsuit Loan Be Used For?

If you have been in a car accident and are waiting for your lawsuit settlement money, the process can take a long time. Accidents and personal injuries can create unnecessary stress on your life, and when bills start piling up and you need money to keep your life on track, you know better than anyone that finances can’t come quick enough and a lawsuit loan advance can be a great option to help you with everyday needs and special expenses that arise from a car accident. At Capital Now Funding, we offer pre-settlement funding or legal loans against your accident for a Fixed Fee at No Risk to you with Zero Recurring Interest.
What can a lawsuit loan be used for?
- Rent, Gas, or Electric Bills
- Medical Bills
- Deposit for a New Vehicle
- Insurance Deductible
- Groceries
A lawsuit loan is a great option for anyone that wants their lawsuit to have the max potential for getting the biggest settlement possible. We understand the pressure of wanting to get your settlement money as fast as possible but getting a legal loan as an advance against your settlement can allow you to stay in the case longer and give your attorney more time to get you the full settlement money that you deserve.
A lawsuit loan can be a great option if a car accident or personal injury has caused financial difficulty. There are many benefits of receiving a lawsuit loan:
- You can get the funds within 24 hours
- We do no credit or background checks
- There is no risk! If your case does not settle, you owe nothing back.
If you are interested in receiving pre-settlement funding, Apply Now